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Kotobuki Seating Group

The KOTOBUKI SEATING group owns the best factories in the world, specialized in the design and manufacture of seats and systems. An industrial network, with the highest technical, quality, guarantee and safety standards, with production centers in Japan, USA, UK, Vietnam, and Malaysia.

Experience has taught us precisely that evolution continues to be one of the basic pillars of the business.
Looking to the future has allowed KOTOBUKI SEATING to incorporate different companies into the group in an integrated strategy. These companies, specializing in the design and manufacture of seats and multi-purpose systems, have weaved the largest seating conglomerate in the world. With a close presence with all our customers, KOTOBUKI SEATING has 6 production centers around the world, employing more than 1,000 people.

The incorporation of companies such as Interkal, Audience Systems, Quinette Gallay and Ferco has oriented the development of products towards a more global reach, giving the group a more universal vision. KOTOBUKI SEATING, was created to serve the North American market and the intention of promoting the development of new solutions that expand and renew the group’s range of products.


TOKYO – Kotobuki Japan /Kotobuki Seating Group/ kotobuki-seating.co.jp

MALAYSIA – Ferco Seating /Kotobuki Seating Group/ fercoseating.com

LONDON – Audience Systems /Kotobuki Seating Group/ audiencesystems.com

PARIS – Quinette Gallay /Kotobuki Seating Group/ quinette.fr 

USA – Interkal /Kotobuki Seating Group/ interkal.com

BARCELONA – K+ Kotobuki Seating España /Kotobuki Seating Group/ kplusseating.com