Just over a month ago, the new Catalan theatre season opened at the Teatre del Liceu in an event that was broadcast on TV3. But in addition to the theatrical works, the Liceu also featured renewed seats. Seats that have been renovated by K+, with a team of local “clusters” with Km0 production.
A total of 1,592 seats, 740 chairs and stools, 360 linear metres of “pianos” and 440 linear metres of railings have been restored and reupholstered, with a meticulously studied manufacturing-delivery process and with a clear objective: “Not to interrupt the programme at the Liceu”.
We are particularly excited about this project because it is one of the most important opera houses in the world, which we know and love, and because it is in our city, Barcelona, where K+ Kotobuki Seating Spain was born.